
12 (11) on the 12th

OK, so I started this year with big intentions of getting 12 pictures on the 12th of every month. What the article I read (which featured this idea) neglected to say is how hard it was to come up with 12 original photos in one day. We're just not that interesting. So I was able to combine the 11th and 12th to get 11 so-so pictures. Here goes....

"Sam on top of the world"
at the Father/Daughter overnighter!!
Photography by Terry (photoshoping by Kristin)
I call this
"Mom check it out I can jump, well sort of"

" First Food"

(Oatmeal and Bananas)

"Lovely Lashes"

"Speed Stacker"
"Speed Stacker #2"
" Speed Stackers #1 & #2"

"Red Rider"

And Last but certainly not least... I call this one


I think I'll print this one up for her first date!! Poster size ought to do it don't ya think!

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